Courtney Love Wants To Try Ayahuasca

Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain’s widow, admits that she has tried a lot of recreational substances. However, there is still this one high she wants to try. On an interview with Fix, an American magazine, she admits that there are only a few substances she hasn’t tried yet. She says the drug ayahuasca is one of them.

Shamanic Brew from The Jungles of The Amazon

A lot of people have misunderstood the use of the Amazonian shamanic medicine, ayahuasca. For some, they think that drinking this brew can give them a new intense experience. Ayahuasca is actually a concoction made from a mixture of boiled rainforest plants. It has been used by shamans in the Amazon in treating illnesses and has been revered by indigenous communities.

Ayahuasca is a brew made from the psychotropic plants that have been boiled down. Banisteriopsis caapi vines are the main ingredient for this potion along with two other psychotropic plants. Such ingredients have been made available online for people who want to try ayahuasca or centers that specialize in this form of treatment. If you want to know more about ayahuasca and Peruvian shamanism, check this site.

These days, Westerners seek ayahuasca for its recreational highs or therapeutic effects. It has been rumored that it can induce hallucinogenic states that could be more powerful than other drugs. Supporters of this shamanism medicine say that it has been able to help them with depression and other emotional traumas.

The psychedelic compound dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is the main substance that the ayahuasca brew contains. With the mixture of the two psychotropic plants and the B. caapi vines, an oral variant of DMT is produced. Synthetically produced, DMT is a class-A substance like cocaine. Such substances are prohibited and unlawful distribution and possession calls for harsh measures from the proper authorities, ayahuasca is not considered illegal.

The former frontman of the band Police, Sting, has tried Peruvian ayahuasca. He says there is a great deal to the “high” that you get from drinking the ayahuasca brew. Based on his own experience, the hallucinogenic trip made him deal with his own death and mortality. He adds that it is not something that should be taken out of curiosity only.

In the medical and health care community, they believe that taking ayahuasca repeatedly can cause harm to one’s health. There have been reports of death in Peru relating to ayahuasca though that could be accounted to misuse or overuse of the said brew.